Funeral: Certificate of Insurance


  • Participant: An actively at work employee or scheme member of the Policyholder, and/or member of society, and/or parlour group member.
  • Policyholder: The party described in the Schedule, who signed the Proposal and the Policy and who is responsible for the payment of the Premiums.
  • Premium Rate: The rate of the Premium payable by the Policyholder on behalf of a Principal Member and/or his Dependants, including risk premiums, an administration fee, and commission.
  • Stillborn: A birth that occurs after 26 weeks.
  • Underwriter: African Unity Life Ltd, registration number 2003/016142/07, a registered long-term insurer and Authorised Financial Services Provider (8447).
  • Waiting Period: A 6-month waiting period from the inception of cover, during which no benefits will be payable.

Persons Assured

The Participant and his Dependants are assured under this Policy for the benefits described herein.

Procedure at Death

Upon the death of any person assured under this Policy, notice of a claim must be given to the Intermediary within 6 months of the date of death, accompanied by proof satisfactory to AU of the death and the assured status of the deceased. No notice of a claim is deemed received until such proof is provided. If notice is not given within the stipulated period, all benefits in respect of such death shall be forfeited.

Revision of Scheme

AU reserves the right to amend, vary, revoke, or alter any terms and conditions of this Policy with at least one month’s notice to the Policyholder. The premium rate stated in the Schedule is guaranteed for the Guarantee Period but can be altered with one month’s written notice.


The Policyholder reserves the right to cancel the scheme at any time by giving Live Wire Customer Centric Solutions 30 days’ written notice.

Disputes and Misunderstandings

Disputes or misunderstandings regarding claims or interpretations of this Policy shall be resolved by the Policyholder and Live Wire Customer Centric Solutions in joint consultation. If no agreement is reached, either party can submit the matter to arbitration under South African law.


AU undertakes to provide the value stated in the Schedule on the death of the Person Assured, provided a valid claim is instituted.

Special Conditions


Membership is voluntary for eligible Policyholders. Coverage ceases if:

  1. The Policyholder ceases to pay the premium.
  2. The Policyholder withdraws from membership.
  3. An unmarried child attains age 21, or age 25 if still studying, or earlier if married.

On dissolution, all liabilities towards the Policyholder and Dependants of deceased cease.

Premium Payment

Premiums are payable monthly in advance. Claims will not be considered if premiums are not paid on time.

Territorial Limits

South Africa.

Payment Method

Paid Membership.

Funeral Plan

Summary of Cover

Funeral Benefits:

  • Member and Spouse: R 20 000 each.
  • Children 14-20: R 20 000.
  • Children 6-13: R 10 000.
  • Children under 6 (including stillborn): R 5 000.

Family Cover:

  • Up to two spouses can be covered if declared at inception.
  • Common-law spouses must be declared at inception.


  • Coverage for unmarried children under 21.
  • Coverage extends to unmarried children up to age 26 if studying full-time.
  • Physically and/or mentally disabled children are covered irrespective of age.

Premiums and Fees:

  • Payable monthly in advance via debit order.
  • Premiums are adjustable with 30 days’ notice.
  • Cover is month-to-month with no reserves built up.
Master Policy Terms and Conditions
  1. Dreaded Diseases Benefits: No exclusion for death from dreaded diseases.
  2. Suicide: 3-month waiting period for death resulting from suicide.
  3. Maximum Entry Age: 65 years.
  4. Participation: Optional for existing members, compulsory for new members.
  5. Continuation After Retirement: Members can transfer to an individual policy within 30 days of retirement.
  • Claims must be submitted within 6 months of the date of death.
  • Clients must provide proof of premium payment.
  • No claims will be considered if premiums are in arrears or during the first 6 months from inception.
  • Cover ceases at age 71, death of the main member, non-payment of premiums, or scheme cancellation.

The client must give one calendar month’s written notice to cancel the scheme. No alterations are allowed in the month of cancellation.

Terms and Conditions
  1. The company acts as an agent for Service Providers.
  2. Premiums are payable monthly in advance.
  3. The company can change contract terms or replace Service Providers with 30 days’ notice.
  4. Premiums can be adjusted due to inflation, claims experience, or increased costs.
  5. The client can cancel the contract with one calendar month’s notice.
  6. The company can cancel the contract with one calendar month’s notice.

Contact Information

Long Term Insurance Ombudsman Office
Share call: 0860 662 837
Tel: 021 657 5000 / 0860 103 236
Fax: 021 674 0951
Post: Private Bag X45, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735
Office Enquiries: 8:00am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday
Address: Third Floor, Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer Street, Claremont, Cape Town, 7700